Monday, January 27, 2020

Literary Analysis of Romeo and Juliet

Literary Analysis of Romeo and Juliet Passage one is the prologue to Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. The prologue to Romeo and Juliet is a significant piece of text in the play as both its form and content introduces and gives a rather detailed insight to the viewer about events that are to follow in the play and essentially prepares and establishes the viewer/audience for the two hours traffic on our stage which is and gives meaning to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The entire prologue is spoken by the Chorus to the intended audience and eludes the viewer to the problems that arise throughout the play, as well as acknowledges existing problems prior to the ones that will eventuate. The location of the scene is established through the phrase in fair Verona where we lay our scene, as well as indicates central themes to Romeo and Juliet by mentioning themes of anger and revenge through the ongoing feuds of the two households, both alike in dignity and the central theme of love and tragedy, through the mentioned fatal loins of these two foes and star-crossed lovers being Romeo and Juliet. The passage may also be seen as significant as it depicts what is going to happen on the stage, creating a somewhat cathartic sense, as pity becomes greater if the viewer knows of the tragic events that will eventually occur in the play. The last lines of the prologue repeat the message that the lovers will die, and through this the feud is annulled. Unlike most traditional prologues, the one initiating Romeo and Juliet is in the form of a sonnet. It consists of 14 lines-following a crucial aspect of this structure, ABAB rhyming pattern within the initial 3 quatrains and a CC couplet at the end allowing it to be in iambic pentameter. Unique in form, poetic techniques are used cleverly as the sonnet breaks usual conventions of a love poem. Perhaps because the play is centred on love, Shakespeare wrote the prologue in this form in order to emphasise this concept within the play as well as the intimate relationship between Romeo and Juliet. In this sonnet, the 14 lines are divided up into 3 sections of 4 lines and the last section is made up of 2 lines. The sonnet uses 3 different ways to divide the sections from one another: punctuation, change of topic and the use of rhyming couplets. The first three sections begin and end as sentences lines 1-3 use commas then to close the section there is a full stop indicating the next. Once there is a full stop, the new sentence begins a new topic essentially guiding the audience through the plot in order to avoid confusion of the storyline. The ending pattern of the prologue, however, is different in comparison to other lines within the passage which in some regards reflects how the storyline of the play is structured. The two rhyming lines at the end of the prologue are typical of a traditional sonnet and are effective examples of combining form and content together in a simple enough form for the audience to understand and get meaning from the prologue and indeed the rest of th e play. When observing the prologue, it is evident where Shakespeare intended to put emphasis through the stressing of certain syllables such as fair, and star-crossed- these two particularly as they are crucial to the central themes associated with the concept of love and marriage. The crossd in star-crossd refers to the fact that their love suppressed, frustrated and eventually defeated. Such will be the love of Romeo and Juliet, because of the stars- implying that destiny causes the misadventured piteous overthrows within the play. It can also be noted that violent words are not stressed throughout the duration of the prologue. Aggressive words such as mutiny, blood and rage are unstressed in the sonnet possibly may because even though it is a story surrounding issues of conflict, it is love and Romeo and Juliet who are the central meaning behind the play. Within lines seven and eight Whose misadventured piteous overthrows Doth with their death bury their parents strife informs the audience that it required a tragedy to stop the families from feuding and to make them realise what they had been doing. In line 8 of the prologue, there is noticeable use of alliteration with the d and th sounds, which are repeated to make the line appear more noticeable and also contains its own rhyming section using doth with their death, using the th sound to make it rhyme. Metaphors such as the word bury, represents reconciliation between the Montagues and Capulets and that the burial of their past grudges has only come about due to the burial of their children. Meaning is created through these techniques as it poses the question to the audience of whether or not their ancient grudges and feuding are worth what will inevitably become the death of Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare also uses other literary devices within the prologue to draw the viewer/audien ces attention within this sonnet. In line 4, it is important to note the repetition of the word civil and its implications throughout the storyline. Civil blood can be seen as a paradox as the Montagues and Capulets engage constantly in civil wars which shed civil blood, which in turn would not really occur if they were civil in the first place. As the two sides share the grudge, they also share the guilt, both sides mutiny against the peace of the town, making their civil hands unclean. Repetition of words throughout the prologue such as civil, introduces alliteration to the text. Shakespeare decides to use the repetition of a particular sound in the next line, creating alliteration. Alliteration in line 5 has not only the repetition of f sounds but of bold words for example from forth the fatal loins of these two foes which contains words that begin with f as well as forth that tends to be used as a word of initiative in which Shakespeare could be playing upon the idea as mentioned previously that possibly, the storyline is already set and must go forth as it is destined to happen. A line full of harsh sounding fs and words of antagonism are pushed up against line 6 and seem to be more woeful than harsh which tells the viewer/audience of the predictable death of the lovers who were initially supposed to be enemies. Finally, enjambment in the prologue embraces the nature of the play being conflict and violence paralleling with love and inevitable tragedy. Form and content are significant aspects within any text as the combination of both inevitably produce the final meaning of the text. Meaning cannot be derived if there is no content in which to base a story on and a series of literary techniques such as those present in the prologue of Romeo and Juliet, place an emphasis on this particular content in order to convey the underlying message that Shakespeare is presenting to the audience. In the case of Romeo and Juliet, it is evident that Shakespeare intended the play to be a tragedy based on love, and the prologue spoken by the chorus depicts this clearly. The strong use of literary techniques engages the audience allowing them to become part of and understand the meaning of the storyline and allow empathy for what is happening on stage.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Cicero Letters Translation

Nunc ea cognosce, quae maxime exoptas: rem publicam funditus amisimus, adeo ut C. Cato, adolescens nullius consilli, sed tamen civis Romanus et Cato, vix vivus effugerit, quod, cum Gabinium de ambitu vellet postulare neque praetores diebus aliquot adiri possent vel potestatem sui facerent, in concionem escendit et Pompeium privatum dictatorem appellavit: propius nihil est factum, quam ut occideretur. 2 Ex hoc, qui sit status totius rei publicae, videre potes. 3 16. Nostrae tamen causae non videntur homines defuturi: mirandum in modum profitentur, offerunt se, pollicentur. 5 Equidem cum spe sum maxima, tum maiore etiam animo, spe, superiores fore nos, animo, ut in hac re publica ne casum quidem ullum pertimescam. 6 Sed tamen se res sic habet: si diem nobis Clodius dixerit, tota Italia concurret, ut multiplicata gloria discedamus; sin autem vi agere conabitur, spero fore studiis non solum amicorum, sed etiam alienorum ut vi resistamus. 7 Omnes et se et suos amicos clientes, libertos se rvos, pecunias denique suas pollicentur. Nostra antiqua manus bonorum ardet studio nostri atque amore; si qui antea aut alienores fuerant aut languidiores, nunc horum regum odio se cum bonis coniungunt. 9 Pompeius omnia pollicetur et Caesar, quibus ego ita credo, ut nihil de mea comparatione deminuam. 10 Tribuni pl. 11 designati sunt nobis amici; consules se optimos ostendunt; praetores habemus amicissimos et acerrimos cives Domitium, Nigidium, Memmium, Lentulum; bonos etiam alios, sed hos singulares: quare magnum fac animum habeas et spem bonam; de singulis tamen rebus, quae quotidie gerantur, faciam te crebro certiorem.Now for the news that you chiefly desire. We have so completely lost the constitution that Cato,[11] a young man of no sense, but yet a Roman citizen and a Cato, scarcely got off with his life because, having determined to prosecute Gabinius for bribery, when the praetors could not be approached for several days, and refused to admit anyone to their presence, he mou nted the rostra in public meeting and called Pompey an â€Å"unofficial dictator. † No one ever had a narrower escape of being killed. From this you may see the state of the whole Republic. People, however, show no inclination to desert my cause.They make wonderful professions, offers of service, and promises: and, indeed, I have the highest hopes and even greater spirit–so that I hope to get the better in the struggle, and feel confident in my mind that, in the present state of the Republic, I need not fear even an accident. However, the matter stands thus: if Clodius gives notice of an action against me, the whole of Italy will rush to my support, so that I shall come off with many times greater glory than before; but if he attempts the use of violence, I hope, by the zeal not only of friends but also of opponents, to be able to meet force with force.All promise me the aid of themselves, their friends, clients, freedmen, slaves, and, finally, of their money. Our old regiment of loyalists is warm in its zeal and attachment to me. If there were any who had formerly been comparatively hostile or lukewarm, they are now uniting themselves with the loyalists from hatred to these despots. Pompey makes every sort of promise, and so does Caesar: but my confidence in them is not enough to induce me to drop any of my preparations.The tribunes-designate are friendly to us. The consuls-designate make excellent professions. Some of the new praetors are very friendly and very brave citizens-Domitius, Nigidius, Memmius, Lentulus[12]–the others are loyalists also, but these are eminently so. Wherefore keep a good heart and high hopes. However, I will keep you constantly informed on particular events as they occur from day to day.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Architecture Essays – Baroque Architecture Characteristics

Baroque Architecture CharacteristicsIntroductionThe Baroque period took the humanist Roman position of Renaissance architecture and showed it in a new rhetorical, theatrical and sculptural manner they expressed the victory of absolutist church and province. The chief position of Baroque architecture was more concerned about colour, visible radiation and shadiness, sculptural values and strength which could be seen in its features. Baroque is defined periods in literature every bit good as music ; nevertheless critics perceived it to be unstructured, over ornamented, theatrical and grotesque. Although many things influenced the Baroque period it was besides influenced by faith every bit good as the states political relations. Architects were interested in the infinite of the unfolding existence every bit good as the workings of the head and attempted to portray passions of the psyche through facial looks.FeaturesThe characteristics of the Baroque epoch showed long, narrow naves that w ere replaced by a broader, or on occasion with round signifiers. It displayed dramatic usage of visible radiation that could be either strong light-and-shade contrast ( known aschiaroscuro) effects ; or they used unvarying lighting by agencies of several Windowss. Another characteristic was deluxe usage of decorations ( puttos made of wood ( frequently gilded ) , plaster or stucco, marble or fake coating ) , they used large-scale ceiling frescoes and Baroques external facade is frequently characterized by a dramatic cardinal projection, nevertheless the inside is frequently no more than a shell for picture and sculpture which was seen in the late Baroque period. Baroque features besides include illusive effects like trompe l'oeil and the blending of picture and architecture and in other states such as Bavaria, Czech, Polish, and Ukrainian the Baroque manner contained, pear domes that were are omnipresent.FeaturesThe chief features for the Baroque epoch were energy, great sums of ten seness and a sense of motion from the edifices. Its picture, sculpture and architecture evolved from idiosyncrasy and broke off from the regulations of modern-day architecture, they demanded freedom to program, design and adorn their edifices with what they wanted. Columns had twisted shafts which were placed in forepart of pilasters surrounded by valances and covered with curving and broken pediments. They contained â€Å"over the top† and frequently unsuitable inside informations with carven ornament. Insides had gilded sculptures frequently in awkward airss ; the architecture was noted for its curving lines. Many of Baroques add-ons were finished in bronze, marble, gold and Ag. Baroque had a dynamic expression and experience to its design ; it was a utile categorization for insulating the inclinations and merchandises of stylistic alteration. It was seen as broad, superb, theatrical, passionate, animal, enraptured, deluxe, excessive, various and ace. It was an age of enlar gement following on an age of find, its enlargement led to still farther find about architectural design and ornament. Section A: Insides S.Maria Della Salute ( 1631-1682 ) The inside of S.Maria Della Salute is a really good illustration of Baroque Architecture and design. It displays the Baroque kernel in a manner but is non wholly over ornamented nor does it incorporate any unsuitable inside informations. Marble is chiefly used in the columns and the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Sculptures are carved from marble and stand high in the unit of ammunition of the dome. An communion table can be seen and one might presume it is besides gilded in bronze. It is an graphics in a manner but it is non â€Å"over the top† in any manner which can be seen from this position point. S.Pietro ( 1656 – 1667 ) The S.Pietro is another great illustration of Baroque architecture and design. In this exposure we can see the bronze communion table that stands merely in forepart of the apsis, we can see pictures that are decorated with gold lodgers, marble columns and high walls, the domes contain gilded ceilings. Walls are decorated with sculptures in free standing places in the walls besides made of marble. Light is given through high standing Windowss and the chief dome from above through a sky visible radiation. Versailles ( 1660 – 1685 ) The Palace of Versailles is the most good known piece of Baroque Architecture and design known to day of the month. It defines what the Baroque period was approximately. It was excessive, animal, dynamic, passionate ( pictures ) , various and deluxe. Decorations were non silver but pure gold. Soft cloths, bright colorss and beautiful sculptures decorated the insides of the Palace. In the Hall of Mirrors as seen in figure 8 sculptures themselves were cast in gold high Windowss offered light and glass pendants hung from a ceiling decorated in picture and gilded gold lodgers. In the Queens Chambers as seen in figure 7 one can state that non even the sleeping rooms were unbroken simple. Gold was besides used and to an extent it was excessively used. The focal point of 1s oculus is led to the gold ornament and non the architectural values of the edifice. The outside as seen in figure 6 one can see that the balcony railings were gilded in gilded ornament as the Sun makes this easy to see. Marble is besides used on the facade of the edifice but it is chiefly decorated in gold. Rich vivacious colorss can be seen throughout the castle as seen in figure 7 of the Queens Chambers. Section B: Interior Design Although the Baroque epoch contributed to the great edifices we see today, one can non bury about the insides. Although extravagantly decorated the insides are really good designed to suit certain facets. Architects need to believe like that in order to obtain a good sense of what works and what does non. I believe interior design does really suggest about it along the lines. We design what we think the client would wish and so acquire an thought if the client likes it of non, if non we merely do a few alterations to acquire a better feel and a better position of what they want. It is the same now as it is so. Interior interior decorators design the infinite in which the client will be in every twenty-four hours. It requires a great trade of penetration and a cognition about a individual, one might see reading your client by speaking to them, when you do that you can acquire better thoughts. Simple designs frequently make better designs in these yearss nevertheless in the past if it was large, broad and contained munificent ornaments it was classified as good.DecisionSo from looking at the Baroque architecture one can state that it played a great function in the design of edifices today. Many people who obtain an over and above wage sometimes have one or two suites that give recollection to the Baroque manner. It was surely munificent, dynamic and â€Å"over the top† ornaments were decidedly a spot much for today’s modern society.BibliographyTansey, R.G & A ; Kleiner, F.S. 1954. Chapter 24.Gardener’s Art Through The Ages: 10th edition. United States of America: Ted Buchhloz. Pages 816 – 904.Gardener, L. Chapter 10.Gardener’s Art Through The Ages: 4th edition.United States of America: G.Bell and Son Ltd, London. Page 397 onwards.Honour, H & A ; Fleming, J. 1982. Separate 3: Chapter 13.A World History of Art.United Kingdom: RB Macmillion. Page 426 onwards.Wikipedia. 2008.Baroque.[ online ] . [ Accessed August 20, 2008 ] . Availa ble from universe broad web: & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ;Versailles.[ online ] . [ Accessed August 20, 2008 ] . Available from universe broad web: & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ;History of Baroque Architecture.[ online ] . [ Accessed August 20, 2008 ] . Available from universe broad web: & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ;Baroque Age.[ online ] . [ Accessed August 20, 2008 ] . Available from universe broad web: & lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: // & gt ;

Friday, January 3, 2020

Monopoly A Short Story - 1005 Words

It was the night before the biggest craziest thing happened to me. I was At my friends house we had the best sleepover But we did do some crazy things we were going through a closet filled with board games and we found a odd game There was no name but I did have rules we kind of thought it was weird because my friend Sarah said that she never remembered having this but we both played it anyways. It was kind of played like Monopoly but at the end you would get one wish but only one person would get the Wishing Square was the first person that played it had little statues to like it does in Monopoly. Sarah was way too scared to go first cuz she thought it was real and everything I thought it was just make believe so as†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Hey Sarahâ€Å" â€Å"She Replied, yeah† I told, Sarah to pinch me She walked over got my arm and pinched me it hurt, but I didnt wake up this was real it was really real. I was still standing there just flapping the wings. my feet was still on the ground that I decided Im going to go full extreme I walked over to Saras window and jumped out I could hear Sarah freaking out while I was falling she lived in an apartment building almost on the very top so. There was a long ways down I was holding my eyes closed still thinking I was falling ,but when I opened them i was flying. It was the best thing ever I thought it would be way harder. I turned back around and flew Back into Sarahs window. She was still freaking out Then looked at me and said Im so jealous but how are you going to go to school today. Oh my gosh youre right I cant miss a day of school that would mess up my Attendance record. I said what if theres a way I could make them go away. I closed my eyes shut and thought real hard and repeatedly said in my head Wings go away Wings go away Winx go away when was go away. Then the wings stretched out eand quickly Came into my back. I open my eyes and looked at Sarah â€Å"See I told you it wasnt going to be all that bad†I said . You never said anything she said. â€Å"I laughed, I know â€Å" It was already 7 by then we both got ready for school. After her mom dropped us off at school weShow MoreRelatedGlobalization: Outsourcing and Offshoring Software Creation Essay1208 Words   |  5 Pagessuch as India have received a lot of media attention. What are the long and short-term effects of these changes in terms of employment, income distribution and economic growth? Is the outsourcing of services a different phenomenon than simply importing steel? Economic theory and past history point to the fact the trade provides net economic gains but if it also redistributes wealth, affects worker employment the short run and wages in the long run. 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